Tethys – the heritage of 200 million years

The story of the sinking of the Tethys and the formation of the Alps describes an unimaginably long, rich and complex adventure. We must first take a journey far back into the past, when the first dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Tethys: Formation History

Back then, 250 million years ago, a large part of the Earth’s land masses was formed by a single continent. This “super continent” was then divided into two continents and slowly disintegrated into smaller plates that swam like rafts on the globe and sometimes collided with each other.

The Matterhorn from Africa
Such a collision – between Africa and Europe – also created the Alps. At an incredibly slow pace, over millions of years, seas and oceans opened and closed, rock masses shifted over and sank deep into the earth’s interior and were transported back to the surface.

The seemingly unalterable and silent mountain world has preserved the memory of these dramatic events. Fantastic stories hide behind the beautiful rock landscapes.

How the Matterhorn came to us from Africa is only one of them, the one from the sunken primordial ocean Tethys another.

The break of the Pangaea and the birth of the Tethys in the course of the Triassic.
More than 200 million years ago, the supercontinent Pangaea broke apart. The Tethys Sea formed between its two parts Laurasia (with Europe, Asia, North America) and Gondwana (with Africa and South America).

The water of this primordial ocean contained all the building blocks of life in the right mix: minerals, trace elements, molecules and gases to enable higher life on our planet.

60 to 20 million years ago in the Cenozoic era, large parts of the Tethys Sea began to sink. The African continental plate collided with Europe.

As a result, the Alps folded up. The entire Alpine massif with Mont-Blanc, the more than three dozen four-thousand-metre peaks of the Valais and the world-famous Matterhorn were created.

Natural disaster as a stroke of luck
The fact that the Tethys sank for the most part into the earth’s interior during these enormous tectonic shifts is tantamount to a stroke of luck.

This preserved the building blocks of life, the minerals, trace elements, molecules and gases contained in the primordial ocean.

It is they who make Tethys unique in the world. Unique in its composition, unique in its effect.

Tethys contains the “primordial cocktail” of all life from the primordial sea. From this “primordial soup”, as the primordial sea is also called, we humans have also emerged.

Undergroud, hydrothermal deposits, protected heritage
Tethys originates from the hydrothermal deposit in Lavey-les-Bains (Switzerland) inside the earth, about 3000 meters below the earth’s surface. There are boiling temperatures of 100 to 110 degrees Celsius.

Definition of hydrothermal: Hydrothermal refers to the formation range of minerals from gaseous and saline aqueous solutions between their critical point, approx. 374.5°C, until the drop in temperature to approx. 30°C. Hydrothermal solutions often contain large amounts of dissolved volcanic gases and minerals.

For bottling, Tethys, containing the minerals, trace elements, molecules and gases of the primordial Sea Tethys, is collected at a depth of 600 meters and is directly filled into the bottle at the outlet.

The temperature of Tethys at the outlet is 65 degrees Celsius.

A mix of primeval sea and ice age water
Water samples with the proven radiocarbon method (C14 dating) for the exact determination of the age of materials showed that the water, which absorbs the minerals from the sunken Tethys Sea, had no contact with the atmosphere for at least 14,150 years.

The water comes from the end of the last ice age. At that time humans were still hunters and gatherers. The water has been preserved in its original composition.

It contains the minerals, trace elements, molecules and gases that were present in the Tethys primeval ocean.

Inside the Earth, water has been protected from human contamination for thousands of years since the end of the last ice age.

Today, Tethys artesically comes to the surface from a depth of 3000 metres. It is captured at a depth of 600 m by means of a shaft.

The Elixir of Life of the Tethys
Tethys contains iodine, bromine, hydrogen sulfide, ammonium, lithium and other elements of the periodic table naturally present in humans. And all this – what makes it so unique and infinitely precious – in the right, natural mix for humans.

On this website you will find valuable information and further links as well as historical documents on what this life elixir, which has been unadulterated since time immemorial, can achieve in the human organism and what its dissolved elements are good for in detail.

1 dl Tethys per day can change your life.
Life’s Matrix in a Bottle – Health You Can Drink

Tethys – Guardian of the Primordial Spring
The Tethys primordial ocean was named after the Greek goddess Tethys. In Greek mythology, Tethys (Greek Τηθύς) was a Greek titan and sea goddess.

The daughter of Uranos and Gaia was married to her brother Okeanos. She was the guardian of the primordial spring that supplies the earth with fresh water.

Tethys was also the mother of the rivers, the nymphs of springs, rivers and wells.

She fed the springs of her children with the waters of her husband Okeanos, which she drew with a cornucopia from the depths of the primordial oceans.

The sunken treasure of Tethys is resurrected
The guardians of time in the Laboratory for Ion Beam Physics at ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) have dated Tethys from the hydrothermal deposit at Lavey-les-Bains (Switzerland) to 14,150 using radiocarbon analysis, also known as C14 dating.

The study, which bears the laboratory number ETH-57029.1.1, revealed that the water has had no contact with the Earth’s surface or atmosphere for 14,150 years. It dates from the end of the last ice age.

The ETH Zurich process is very reliable. It was also used to date the Shroud of Turin and Ötzi, the iceman.

The water absorbed the minerals, trace elements, molecules and gases from the sunken Tethys Sea 200 million years ago.

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