Pure, clear, tested

Before Tethys enters your glass, it is collected at the underground hydrothermal deposit, bottled in dark 1 litre glass bottles, tested in the laboratory and sent on its way to you.

It takes some time for Tethys to get into your glass. In the following we show you the most important stages from the hydrothermal deposit to the glass.

Tethys comes from the earth’s interior at 3000 metres below the surface. There it is boiling hot. The temperature is between 100 and 110 degrees Celsius. From there, Tethys rises artesically to the surface. It is captured at a depth of 600 metres and emerges with 65 degrees Celsius.

Tethys is pumped from an underground hydrothermal deposit protected from impurities and bottled directly on site. Regular on-site inspections guarantee the natural purity of the bottling process.

Tethys is already pure from its origin. Original purity means that all ingredients must be of natural origin and no substances are subsequently added or removed.

Due to the high temperature at the outlet it resembles a natural pasteurisation and is therefore better protected against microbiological contamination. Tethys is not treated and is filled directly from the hydrothermal deposit into the bottle. This preserves the purity.

Tethys has a natural content of minerals and trace elements. The mineral salts can be absorbed particularly well, since they are already dissolved in the water and can be used immediately by the body. The different ingredients, their composition and quantity, make Tethys an original.

The quality control
Five different tests are performed on Tethys:

  1. the physical-chemical control analyses the composition of Tethys.
  2. the bacteriological control tests the presence of microorganisms and verifies that Tethys is free of impurities.
  3. the organoleptic control ensures that the taste and smell of Tethys are constant.
  4. the control of the raw materials checks all the elements, the quality of the bottles and the materials that come into contact with Tethys (filler neck, cap, glass…).
  5. the product control checks the individual bottles, containers and packaging.
  6. a laboratory control is carried out after each batch. The quality of Tethys is checked by an accredited laboratory.
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