Certain chemical elements from the periodic table, known as minerals, are essential for the human organism, its vitality and health. Minerals are vital, inorganic nutrients. As they cannot be produced by the body itself, they must be ingested through food.
The Human Body, the Treasure Trove of Minerals
The human body consists of elements – about 34 different elements. This means that over a third of all elements of the periodic table are actually a part of us. Elements do not only exist in the outside world, we are all treasure troves of elements.
Among the elements there are many that one might assume are not found in the human body. For example strontium or molybdenum. Far from it. Arsenic, a poison so to speak, is also found in the human organism.
This also applies to other unknown elements such as cadmium, beryllium and radium. They are all parts of our body. However, no elements are produced in our body. They are all there because at some point we feed them with food. Before that, they were part of another being. A study proves it: Humans consist of 97 percent stardust.
If you drink Tethys, you are very likely to drink elements that were already in a coelacanth (a primordial fish), once. View video
It does not matter to the elements whether humans are alive or dead. The elements never die. They do not care about life or death. They always exist. Elements remain as ashes when plant or animal tissue is burned. They come from the earth and return to the earth.
Elements make up 4 percent of the human body.
The elements are basically the spark plugs of life, the cornerstones of our health. They are the catalysts that keep our batteries running and recharge them again and again. Elements make up about 4 percent of the human body mass.
Since we cannot actually produce any elements in our body, we have to get them through our food and drink.
The elements, which are also known as minerals, are often treated separately. It is important to know that all elements within the body interact with each other. No single element can function without the others because they are synergistically connected.
The elements, which are conductive in water by oppositely charged mobile ions, carry the electric current through the body. The body is electrically powered, and the elements are the conductors. They provide the necessary charge or “ionization” of positive or negative electrical ions.
Ions keep human batteries running
Ions (minerals and trace elements that are ionized, i.e. electrically charged) keep the human cellular power plants, the mitochondria, running. The mitochondria produce 99% of our energy in the body.
The right balance of minerals in the body is crucial for our health.
We have all escaped the sea
“We all came from the sea and it is an interesting biological fact that we all have salt in our veins, in our blood as it exists in the ocean and therefore we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are bound to the ocean.” John F. Kennedy
The role of chemical elements, which are also known as minerals in the body
- minerals act as co-factors for enzyme reactions. Enzymes do not work without minerals. All cells need enzymes to function. Enzymes vitalize the organism.
- they maintain the pH balance in the body
- minerals facilitate the transfer of nutrients across cell membranes
- they maintain proper nerve conduction
- minerals help contract and relax muscles
- they help to regulate the growth of the body
- minerals provide structural and functional support for the body